Meet world-class mushers and their dog teams!

You don’t need your own dogs or any previous mushing experience to participate — equipment and dog teams are provided by the Pedigree® Stage Stop Race.

Junior Mushers participate in a sled dog race of their own in the Jackson Town Square. Apply online on the Jr. Musher page of our website at

“We encourage all communities to send students to this amazing event,” says Race Director Dan Carter. “It’s a one-in-a-lifetime experience for students to interact with world-class mushers and their teams.”

The Junior Musher Program selects students age 9 to 13 from the participating Stage Stop Race Wyoming communities of Jackson, Lander, Alpine, Pinedale, Big Piney, Marbleton, Kemmerer, and Driggs, Idaho as well as the surrounding states.

The 2025 Jr. Stage Stop is coordinated by the Board for the Pedigree® Stage Stop Race under Race Director, Daniel Carter and Assistant Director, Dianna Lehn. For more information call 307-640-5359 or email:

Lead Teacher on the Trail for the 2025 Pedigree® Stage Stop is Katie Williams.


Pedigree® Stage Stop Junior Mushers Give Back to their Communities

Select students, aged 9 to 13, from the Pedigree® Stage Stop race communities of Jackson, Lander, Alpine, Pinedale, Big Piney, Marbleton, Kemmerer,  Driggs Idaho, And surrounding States are invited to participate in a sled dog race of their own at January 31st 2025 4:00 pm in the Jackson Town Square.

The Pedigree® Stage Stop, the largest sled dog race in the lower 48 states, invites host communities to send two students to represent their towns in this short exhibition fun run. Alternate students are chosen to fill vacancies as available. In order to participate in the race, students agree to perform 10 hours of community service work prior to the race.

“We encourage all communities to send students to this amazing event”, says Stage Stop Race Director Dan Carter. “It’s a one-in-a-lifetime experience for students to interact with world-class mushers and their teams.’

Students do not need their own dogs or previous mushing experience to participate – equipment and dog teams are provided by the Pedigree® Stage Stop. The 2025 Jr. Stage Stop is coordinated by the Board for the Pedigree® Stage Stop under Race Director Dan Carter and Assistant Director Dianna Lehn.

Lead Teacher on the Trail for 2025 Pedigree® Stage Stop is Katie Williams.
See link below to her educational portal.

Stage Stop Education

2025 Junior Musher Representative

Looking for a 2024 Junior Musher Representative!


Junior Musher Race Coordinator

Assistant Race Director Dianna Lehn