Past record times per stage

Commentary by Jerry Bath


I have been doing a little homework with what archival material I have at my disposal.

Since its beginning 24 years ago, the Pedigree Stage Stop Race has started its third major transformation.  What started as mid-distance with campouts has developed into its own style of specialized racing (multiple days in a row with a pool of dogs) with specially bred dogs making world-wide changes to the sport.  As we begin a new era of the race, I thought it would be of interest to take a look at some historical race records.

Granted the distances and terrain (anyone that has ever raced the Pedigree Stage Stop Race understands terrain in Wyoming!) have changed a bit from one year to the next as weather, logging, or other changes were made in available trails.  I tried to take this into account as I have two different times for some stages reflecting this. Two miles in one year might be much less in minutes than the same two miles another year of the same stage or town’s leg. Future courses will all be considerably shorter in distance, undoubtedly taking out some really tough climbs. I think most new or returning mushers would like to see this!

I am only human so if mistakes were made in any addition or computation of the times I apologize.  Some years’ records were hard to come by.  My apologies for not having the times for the early days of this great race.


2017 Jerry Bath 4:02:41 58 mi.



2008 Melanie Shirilla 56 mi

2016 JR Anderson 3:22:45  43 mi.


Big Piney

2009 Melanie Shirilla 4:07:35 63 mi.

2015 Ryan Reddington  3:11:59. 30-something miles. (Groomers stuck, heavy snow)



2016 Jerry Bath 3:13:30 45 mi.

2018 Lina Streeper 3:11:42. 42 mi



2010 Budddy Streeper 2:54:22 43 mi

2018 Lina Streeper 2:02:34. 30 mi.



2017 Lina Streeper 2:19:19  32 mi.


Bridget Valley

2016 Buddy Streeper 2:54:04 41 mi.


West Yellowstone

2014 Buddy Streeper 3:29:23 46 mi.


Park City

2009 Sam Perino


Teton County

2018 Bruce Magnusson 2:09:26 32 mi.